📜 User environment affects the scroll

User side environment is an unknown zone for any developers, especially when it comes to scroll.

Some device may accelerate the scroll, smooth it, even extend it outside of the website or add multiple scroll functionalities as refreshing a page, sharing, use an on screen keyboard, navigate the app…

All these behaviors are evolving and there may even be some with the purpose of helping people, speech to text apps for dyslexic people or whatever platform designers will come with in the future years.

The less you do, the best it is ! Forget about controlling the scroll of your one page website to match with a specific area, people may not be able to see half of it, forget about forcing the use of scrollbars, they may appears in an untouchable area of mobile devices,…

Another quick tip: The global background color of your web apps should match the color of your header, you will avoid ugly UI on some device that adds empty scrollable space on the top, outside of the app.

🎞 Browsers

No, the question of browser is not only about chrome, safari and firefox, applications like facebook or instagram also have their own and there is more and more people using it everyday, sometime without even noticing, some people even started to browse online content using their watch.

You should provide a good navigation, authentication, localization and display on these too, it’s not easy, but again, the less you build, the best it is.

Pay attention to follow my Internationalization guidelines, properly implement your 3rd party authentications methods and test them and everything should be ok 🙂

⌱ 2D display has 3 dimensions

Deadly CSS Transforms

<aside> 🚧 Not really inspired to make it understandable now 🙂
